Be part of a more intimate IO Psychology network than SIOP, created just for Michigan based Practitioners and Learners. As a MAIOP Member you’ll be able to connect, engage, and make a difference in the mitten with other like-minded individuals.
Highly discounted rates to MAIOP hosted-events throughout the year
4 Virtual Panels/Workshops
Quarterly Virtual Business Meetings
Annual Summer Event/Fundraiser
Quarterly In-Person Networking Events across Michigan, and a FREE gift at each one
Access to Exclusive Resources such as past event recordings, scholarly articles shared by other members, and other resources to be launched
MAIOP Certificate and Swag
Your annual membership due allows MAIOP to grow and evolve so we can continue offering impactful events and resources. Here are some administrative costs we have, in addition to our many free-of-cost efforts:
Annual Michigan Non-Profit corporation filing fee
MAIOP website & domain name
Content Creation Subscriptions
In-Person event costs (venue, food, supplies and/or equipment)
Other ad hoc administrative fees and tools
Please note: The MAIOP Board is a fully volunteer-based non-profit organization and has completed a detailed analysis of our budget to minimize costs. We have added PayPal and Venmo to serve as our preferred payment methods; consolidated resources to free or lower cost platforms for member benefits and engagement; removed all physical mail communications and transitioned to fully digital; leveraged free social media platforms for marketing and advertisement; and all speakers/panelists are pro bono. It is our mission as a Board to make our membership and events as accessible as possible.
Click the link below to fill out the MAIOP Member registration form.
Email us questions at